Niche News – November 2009

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Welcome to Niche Medical’s Customer Newsletter – November 2009

Niche Medical is proud to be a wholly owned Australian Company and 2009 represents our tenth anniversary in the medical industry.

We wish you and your families a very happy festive season and we look forward to working with you in 2010.

This newsletter is designed to inform our customers of the latest information on our products and services.

We highly value your input and feedback and encourage you to send all feedback and comments to Craig Abud by simply replying to this email.

If for any reason you do not wish to receive this newsletter in the future, simply click on the SafeUnsubscribe button at the bottom of this newsletter.

Please feel free to pass this newsletter onto those who may find it valuable. There is a forward email icon located at the bottom of this newsletter.

Craig Abud, Niche Medical

The Victorian Ambulance Service adopts the use of the LiteAire Disposable Cardboard Spacer

In April this year the Victorian Ambulance Service adopted the use of the LiteAire Disposable Spacer with MDI in all of their emergency response vehicles.

The following is an excerpt from the newsletter ”Lung Health Matters” which is a publication of the Lung Health Promotion Centre at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne and has been reproduced here with the kind permission of Adrienne James.

”In 2007, Adrienne James and Associate Professor Frank Thien raised concerns with the Victorian Ambulance Service regarding the use of nebulisers with all asthma patients and the problems of COPD patients being given too much oxygen.”

”We have collaborated with the service since this time on developing new guidelines. We are very pleased to let you know that this has had a positive result and the Ambulance Service is changing their guidelines for asthma and COPD management”

”The asthma guidelines will now include MDI and spacer as a first response for patients with mild to moderate asthma”.

”The guidelines for COPD have now been separated from the asthma guidelines which means oxygen will be given at low flows to patients with COPD exacerbations”.

”We are thrilled that we have been able to positively support the Ambulance Service in making these changes so that there will be consistency in the care and education of people with asthma and COPD”.

“The new guidelines were introduced in April this year”. ENDS.

The LiteAire Disposable Cardboard Spacer offers proven clinical efficacy and convenience with minimal storage requirements and an environmentally friendly alternative to large rigid plastic spacers.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine it has been shown that the LiteAire Disposable Spacer is clinically equivalent to nebuliser therapy in the treatment of acute asthma in the Emergency Department setting.

This is an important finding for the LiteAire Spacer given that nebuliser therapy remains the mainstay for the treatment of acute asthma in Australian Adult Emergency Departments.

N.B. We are also pleased to report that the South Australian Ambulance Service, Tasmanian Ambulance Service and St Johns Ambulance in Queensland have also adopted the use of the LiteAire Spacer in their emergency response vehicles.

Click on this link to download the full study

EasyOne Pro – The New Standard in DLCO

In August this year we conducted a series of successful meetings to launch the EasyOne Pro DLCO System to Respiratory Scientists.

These meetings featured presentations from Associate Professor Robert Jensen, Pulmonary Division, LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah and Mr Bill Smith, Principal Scientist, Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Fremantle Hospital, Perth WA.

Thank you to our speakers Bob Jensen and Bill Smith and facilitators Associate Professor David Johns, Associate Professor Alan Crockett and Mr Paul Guy. A big thank you to all the Respiratory Scientists who attended these meetings.

The EasyOne Pro is a highly portable state of the art lung function analyser which makes it possible to take the DLCO measurement out of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory and to the patient.

The EasyOne Pro is suitable for use in Pulmonary Function Laboratories in both public and private settings, respiratory outreach clinics, regional hospitals and to test hospital in-patients who cannot be easily transported to the pulmonary function laboratory.

Some of the features of the EasyOne Pro DLCO System are:

  • Highly portable, self contained, no warm-up time.
  • Measures Single-Breath DLCO, Single-Breath TLC* and Full Spirometry.
  • Fully Configurable Reports.
  • No add-on components required.
  • 3 units with simple connection: patient interface, main unit, DLCO gas cylinder.
  • Robust, calibration free, instant-on sensors, colour touch screen interface, wide view angle, disinfectant friendly surface.
  • Industrial standard embedded PC, Windows XP embedded operating system, supports standard printer, network, security and peripheral device functions.
  • Independently Tested against the Hans Rudolph DLCO Simulator at the LDS Hospital in Utah – Full Test Report available on request.
  • Easy to maintain.

* ”Alveolar volume (VA) measured during the single- breath diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) can be used as a substitute measure for the multiple-breath total lung capacity (TLC) in subjects with and without airways obstruction”.

Reference: Correction of Single-Breath Helium Lung Volumes in Patients With Airflow Obstruction, Punjabi et al, CHEST 114/3 SEPTEMBER, 1998.

For a demonstration of the EasyOne Pro DLCO System simply reply to this email or contact our office on
1300 136 855.

N.B. We recorded one of the EasyOne Pro launch meetings for those who were unable to attend and I am pleased to advise that the DVD recording of the meeting is now available free of charge on request.

Vapotherm Precision Flow – Simple and Effective Delivery of High Flow Oxygen via Nasal Cannula

Vapotherm, the leading innovator and the inventor of high flow oxygen therapy takes the science of heating and humidifying breathing gas to a dramatic new level with the creation of Precision Flow.


Precision Flow is a high flow heat and humidification device for the non-invasive delivery of inspired gas flows from 1-40 litres per minute.

This unique technology delivers a perfect synchronisation of flow, temperature, humidity and oxygen percentage without discomfort via nasal cannula.

Precision Flow moves beyond conventional humidification, giving the clinician the ability to manage the key factors in gas conditioning to achieve desired outcomes.


Precision Flow helps clinicians reach their goal to deliver the maximum respiratory assistance safely and comfortably. No other High Flow device incorporates these safety features:

  • Precise measurement of temperature and flow
  • Built-in oxygen blender and oxygen sensor
  • Disposable patient circuit designed for 30 days of use
  • Battery backup


Working with the respiratory community, Precision Flow was designed with Nurses and Physiotherapists in mind, providing easy set-up, operation and maintenance including:

  • Rapid set-up
  • Single button control for flow, oxygen percentage and temperature values
  • Color-coded, uncluttered display for alarms and indicators
  • No heated wire circuits and no temperature probes
  • No rain-out
  • Engineered for reliability and streamlined maintenance

Precision Flow allows for the delivery of a broad range of flows at up to 100% relative humidity, providing effective, well-tolerated treatment for a variety of conditions via nasal cannula.


Patients ranging in ages from preterm newborns to adults are now receiving flow rates ranging from 2 to 40 L/min via nasal cannula to support breathing through a variety of conditions. (1).

In newborns, high flow devices are being used in the preterm population with respiratory distress syndrome as well as a mode for oxygen delivery in full term newborns with hypoxic respiratory failure. (1).

In the paediatric age range, high flow devices are finding use in typical situations that might have otherwise required intubation or CPAP. Disease processes from infectious causes of pulmonary dysfunction such as viral bronchiolitis or bacterial pneumonia to reactive airway disease are now being treated with high flow nasal cannula devices. (1).

In adults, these devices are used in a variety of clinical settings where increased flow rates are believed to benefit the patient in the context of their respiratory disease. These adult disease processes range from pulmonary oedema to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) post-extubation. (1).

There are now over 60 clinical studies published on Vapotherm.

Reference (1). Research in high flow therapy: Mechanisms of action, Dysart et al, Respiratory Medicine 2009.

For a product demonstration or a free clinical evaluation of Vapotherm Precision Flow in your healthcare facility simply reply to this email or contact our office on 1300 136 855.

Portable Ultrasonic Nebuliser

We have recently introduced a Portable Ultrasonic Nebuliser designed specifically for the delivery of Hypertonic Saline in the treatment of Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis.

The rationale behind our introduction of this product is simple. A jet nebuliser will deliver hypertonic saline at around 0.3mls per minute whereas the portable ultrasonic nebuliser is more than three times faster at a delivery rate of 1ml per minute.

The portable ultrasonic nebuliser will deliver 4mls of hypertonic saline in 4 minutes which can significantly improve patient compliance.

The product features are:

  • Aerosol output of 1ml per minute.
  • Operates from both mains power or a detachable rechargeable battery.
  • Silent operation.
  • LCD display and adjustable nebulisation rate.
  • Inexpensive at only $290.00 plus freight charges.
  • Single patient use.

For a product demonstration or further information simply reply to this email or contact our office on
1300 136 855
